
Upcoming Events

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Friday Evening Ragas 7

26 Aug, 2022, 8:00PM - 27 Aug, 2022, 8:00PM (IST)

This session is curated by Soumalya Mukhopadhyay with some brilliant artists. The session will began with Mohan Veena ( Indian slide guiter) recital of Soumalya Mukhopadhyay followed by bharatnatyam of Sanchari Roy. After then Santoor performance of Hindoli Banerjee. And finally the session will end with Kalyanjit Das.

Thursday Evening Ragas 56

5th May, 2022

An evening of music, free and open to all, curated by the artists themselves, Viewcy’s Evening Ragas is a place to enjoy, discover, and support amazing artists of the Hindustani music tradition.

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